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Add sprite to several groups


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I'm sure this must have been asked before, but I couldn't find anything...


I currently have a custom depth sort, which I do through a group. But I also need to do a collision detection, which would require a different group. (And, no, there's not really a way to combine these groups).


You don't seem to be able to add a sprite to multiple groups, but I can't see a work around for the ability to do both...


Any ideas?

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No but you can add a sprite to multiple arrays, and the collision/overlap functions will take an array instead of a group for the second parameter. Try to think of groups as visual containers (which they are, essentially being slightly modified DisplayObjectContainers from pixi) rather than simple abstract lists. You can easily replicate most of the convenience functions found in Group using basic arrays just by making use of array methods like filter, map, forEach and so on.

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Here's the bit in the docs, just to ensure I'm not making this up! http://docs.phaser.io/Phaser.Physics.Arcade.html#overlap


If it definitely isn't working (and I can't see why not, looking at the source it seems to be in order) then it may be an unnoticed bug. Certainly I don't think many people tend to use arrays, most probably finding groups work fine for their needs.

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