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Phaser flickering like crazy in firefox

Dream Of Sleeping

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I've downloaded phaser the other day and it's flicking in firefox. Loads of little white spots. When I replaced it with an older version of phaser that I used on my last game, (still version 2 something) there was no flickering. The only code is just basic set up. Nothing special.


Is this a known issue? I couldn't find anything by searching.


This is a new computer. The only browsers I've downloaded are firefox and chrome.  No problems with chrome so far.

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The old version without the flicking was 2.0. The one with the flicking is 2.0.7.


Here is the code. This is just a template I made to make starting new projects easier and the very start of my new game. Most of it is just about creating a loading bar and then loading the play scene. I'm about to go to bed or I would have spent some time cutting this down to the bare minimum. I'll do that tomorrow if this is too much code.


Edit: It works fine on canvas mode.

namespace = {        }namespace.loadGame = function() {    namespace.game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, '');    namespace.game.state.add("Boot", namespace.Boot);    namespace.game.state.add("Load", namespace.Load);    //namespace.game.state.add("StartMenu", namespace.StartMenu)    namespace.game.state.add("Play", namespace.Play)            namespace.game.state.start("Boot");    };namespace.Boot = function(game) {    this.game = game;};namespace.Boot.prototype = {    preload: function() {        this.game.stage.backgroundColor = "191919ff";        this.game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;        this.game.scale.pageAlignVeritcally = true;        this.game.scale.refresh();        this.game.load.image('emptyLoadingBar', 'images/emptyloadingbar.png');	this.game.load.image('fullLoadingBar', 'images/fullloadingbar.png');    },        create: function() {        this.game.state.start("Load");    }    };namespace.Load = function(game) {    this.game = game;};namespace.Load.prototype = {    preload: function() {        var label = this.game.add.text(400, 300, 'Loading', { font: '40px arial', fill: "rgb(236, 236, 236)" });        label.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);                var emptyLoadingBar = this.game.add.sprite(0, label.y + 40, "emptyLoadingBar");        emptyLoadingBar.x = (this.game.world.width - emptyLoadingBar.width) / 2;        var fullLoadingBar = this.game.add.sprite(emptyLoadingBar.x, emptyLoadingBar.y, "fullLoadingBar");         this.game.load.setPreloadSprite(fullLoadingBar);                // load everything here        //this.game.load.atlasJSONHash(whatYouWannCallIt, imagePath, jsonPath);        //this.game.load.image(whatYouWannaCallIt, imagePath);         //this.game.load.audio(whatYouWannaCallIt, arrayOfPaths);	this.game.load.audio("clapSound", ["sounds/clap.mp3"]);            },        create: function() {        //this.game.state.start("StartMenu");        this.game.state.start("Play");    }};
namespace.Play = function(game) {    this.game = game;};namespace.Play.prototype = {        create: function() {        console.log("in play create");        this.clapKey = this.game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR);        this.clapKey.onDown.add(this.keypressed, this);                this.clapSound = this.game.add.audio("clapSound");    },        update: function() {            },        keypressed: function() {        console.log("Key pressed");        this.clapSound.play();     }};
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