Hello. i'm making a collision detec, i have it var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update:update }); var c1, c2 function preload() { game.load.image('caja', 'assets/objetos/caja.png'); } function create() { c1 = game.add.sprite(0,100, 'caja') c1.name = "c1" c1.body.immovable = true c2 = game.add.sprite(0,0, 'caja') c2.name = "c2" c2.body.velocity.y = 100; //when i use .velocity, the collision works } function update(){ // c2.y++ //BUT WHEN I WANT MOVE THE SPRITE THIS WAY, THE COLLISION DONT WORK. game.physics.collide(c1, c2, collisionHandler, null, this) } function collisionHandler(){ console.log("crash") }how can i do ? i need move the sprites around "x" and "y".