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  1. Hey, I am new to Pixi and that's probably the real issue :-) We created a game called blobber.io and have an enourmous memory leak with pixi.CocoonText not releasing its memory. Is probably a destroy that is not called but I can't find and see how and where to actually set it. We have a simple gameloop and at the beginning we call the graph.clear(). Within this gameloop we call the drawPlayers functions which is calling the setText in renderer.js. I am completely lost here. I tried everything but am really blocked here. export default () => { const scale = window.innerHeight / vars.screenHeight; graph.clear(); const textStyle = { font: '30px bold sans-serif', fill: playerConfig.textColor, stroke: playerConfig.textBorder, x: vars.screenWidth / 2, y: vars.screenHeight / 2, }; if (!vars.disconnected) { if (vars.gameStart) { renderer.setText(vars.died ? 'You died!' : '', 'state', textStyle); renderer.ground.tilePosition.set( -player.x * scale, -player.y * scale ); if (vars.borderDraw) { drawborder(); } const orderMass = []; // console.log(`Users: ${objs.users.length}`); for (let i = 0; i < objs.users.length; i++) { if (objs.users.type === 'player') { orderMass.push(i); } } if (objs.playerCells.length > 0) { // calcViewZoom(); let c = 0; let a = 0; for (let i = 0; i < objs.playerCells.length; i++) { // playerCells.updatePos(); a += objs.playerCells.x / objs.playerCells.length; c += objs.playerCells.y / objs.playerCells.length; } // vars.posX = a; // vars.posY = c; // vars.posSize = vars.viewZoom; vars.nodeX = (vars.nodeX + a) / 2; vars.nodeY = (vars.nodeY + c) / 2; } else { // vars.nodeX = (29 * vars.nodeX + vars.posX) / 30; // vars.nodeY = (29 * vars.nodeY + vars.posY) / 30; // vars.viewZoom = (9 * vars.viewZoom + vars.posSize * viewRange()) / 10; } drawPlayers(orderMass); } if (vars.died) { renderer.setText('Game Over!', 'state', textStyle); } } else { graph.beginFill(0x171717); graph.lineStyle(0); graph.drawRect(0, 0, vars.screenWidth, vars.screenHeight); graph.endFill(); if (vars.kicked) { if (vars.reason !== '') { renderer.setText(`You were kicked for:\r\n${vars.reason}`, 'state', textStyle); } else { renderer.setText('You were kicked!', 'state', textStyle); } } else { renderer.setText('Disconnected!', 'state', textStyle); } } renderer && renderer.render(); }; in renderer.js export default class Rendered { /** * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas */ constructor(canvas) { this.canvas = canvas; this.renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(innerWidth, innerHeight, { view: canvas, transparent: true, antialias: false }); this.container = new PIXI.Container(); this.stage = new PIXI.Container(); this.graph = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.graphInfo = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.ground = new PIXI.extras.TilingSprite(LightGroundTexture); this.ground.uvRespectAnchor = true; this.ground.anchor.set(0.5,0.5); this.container.addChild(this.ground); this.container.addChild(this.graph); this.container.addChild(this.stage); this.container.addChild(this.graphInfo); this.stage.displayList = new PIXI.DisplayList(); this._sprite = this.graphInfo; this.zoom = 1; this.render(); } setText(...args) { SpriteProxyPrototype.setText.bind(this)(...args); for (let i in this) { if (i.startsWith('_text@') && this) { const textSprite = this; textSprite.scale.set(1); textSprite.resolution = 1; textSprite.position.x = this.renderer.width / 2; textSprite.position.y = this.renderer.height / 2; } } } render() { this._updateZoom(); this.renderer.render(this.container); } static createSpriteFromeImage(src) { if (!textuteCache[src]) { const tmp = getTexture(src); if (tmp instanceof PIXI.Texture) { // console.log('MATCH SPRITE ' ,src) textuteCache[src] = tmp; return new PIXI.Sprite(tmp); } else if (tmp instanceof Promise) { // console.log('MATCH ASYNC SPRITE ' ,src) const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(); tmp.then(e => (textuteCache[src] = sprite.texture = e)); return sprite; } else { // console.warn('MISSING SPRITE ALTATS:' +src) textuteCache[src] = PIXI.Texture.fromImage(src); return new PIXI.Sprite(textuteCache[src]); } } else { return new PIXI.Sprite(textuteCache[src]); } } set scale(value) { this._scale = value; this.stage.scale.set(this._scale); } get scale() { return this._scale; } set zoom(zoom) { if (this._zoom === undefined) { this.__zoom = this.___zoom = zoom; } this._zoom = zoom; } get zoom() { return this.___zoom || 1; } updateSkin() { const theme = getTheme(); this.ground.texture = { 'light': LightGroundTexture, 'dark': DarkGroundTexture, }[theme]; } _updateZoom() { this.___zoom += (this.__zoom - this.___zoom) * 0.5; this.__zoom += (this._zoom - this.__zoom) * 0.5; const zoom = this.zoom || 1; this.container.scale.set(zoom); this.container.position.set( this.renderer.width * (1 - zoom) * 0.5, this.renderer.height * (1 - zoom) * 0.5 ); this.ground.width = this.renderer.width / zoom; this.ground.height = this.renderer.height / zoom; this.ground.position.set( this.renderer.width * 0.5, this.renderer.height * 0.5 ); } } const SpriteProxyPrototype = { render(x, y, width, height, property = '_spriteImage') { this._sprite.position.set(x, y); this._sprite.zOrder = -width - height; // this._spriteImage.zOrder = -width - height if (this._spriteImage.width != width || this._spriteImage.height != height) { // console.log('setWidthHeight Run') this._spriteImage.width = width; this._spriteImage.height = height; if (this._maskSprite) { this._maskSprite.width = width; this._maskSprite.height = height; } } }, setSrc(src, property = '_spriteImage') { if (!textuteCache[src]) { const tmp = getTexture(src); if (tmp instanceof PIXI.Texture) { // console.log('MATCH SPRITE ' ,src) textuteCache[src] = tmp; this[property].texture = tmp; } else if (tmp instanceof Promise) { // console.log('MATCH ASYNC SPRITE ' ,src) tmp.then(e => (textuteCache[src] = this[property].texture = e)); } else { // console.warn('MISSING SPRITE ALTATS:' +src) this[property].texture = textuteCache[src] = PIXI.Texture.fromImage(src); } } else if (this[property].texture != textuteCache[src]) { this[property].texture = textuteCache[src]; // console.log('setSrc Run') } }, setText(text, key, { font = 'bold 20px Arial', fill = '#ffffff', align = 'center', stroke = '#888888', thin = 2, x = 0, y = 0, } = {}) { const scale = (this._stage || this.stage).scale.x; const sym = `_text@${key}`; const textStyle = { font, fill, align, stroke, strokeThickness: thin }; if (!text) { if (this[sym]) { this._sprite && this._sprite.removeChild(this[sym]); this[sym] = null; } } else if (!this[sym]) { const textSprite = new PIXI.cocoontext.CocoonText(text, textStyle); // console.log(textSprite); // var textSprite = new PIXI.Text(text, textStyle); textSprite.resolution = scale * devicePixelRatio * 2; textSprite.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); // textSprite.displayGroup = TextGroup; textSprite.position.set(x, y); this[sym] = textSprite; textSprite.scale.set(1 / scale); this._sprite && this._sprite.addChild(textSprite); // console.log(this._sprite && this._sprite.addChild(textSprite)); } else { const textSprite = this[sym]; let changeStyle = false; if (textSprite.text != text) { textSprite.text = text; } textSprite.position.set(x, y); for (const i in textStyle) { changeStyle = changeStyle || (textStyle != textSprite.style); } textSprite.style = textStyle; textSprite.scale.set(1 / scale); textSprite.resolution = scale * devicePixelRatio * 2; } }, setMask(src) { if (src == '') { this._sprite.removeChild(this._maskSprite); this._spriteImage.mask = null; this._maskSprite = null; } else if (!this._maskSprite) { this._maskSprite = Rendered.createSpriteFromeImage(src); this._maskSprite.anchor.set(0.5); this._sprite.addChildAt(this._maskSprite, 0); this._spriteImage.mask = this._maskSprite; // console.log('set mask done',this._maskSprite) } else { this.setSrc(src, '_maskSprite'); } } }; export function onDel(e) { if (e && e.cells && Object.keys(e.cells).length) { for (const i in e.cells) { onDel(e.cells); } } if (e) { e._stage && e._sprite && e._stage.removeChild(e._sprite); e._sprite = null; e._spriteImage = null; } } /** * @param {PIXI.Container} stage * @param {String} imageSrc */ export function SpriteProxy(stage, imageSrc = '') { return { onNew(e) { const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(); const imageSprite = Rendered.createSpriteFromeImage((e.sprite + '').endsWith('.png') ? e.sprite : imageSrc); imageSprite.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); sprite.addChild(imageSprite); stage.addChild(sprite); for (const i in SpriteProxyPrototype) { e = SpriteProxyPrototype.bind(e); } e._stage = stage; e._sprite = sprite; e._spriteImage = imageSprite; e._sprite.displayGroup = ObjectGroup; }, onDel(e) { onDel(e); }, onChange(e) {} }; } in draw.js function drawName(name, cell) { const fontSize = Math.max(cell.radius / 3 | 0, 20) | 0; const textStyle = { font: `bold ${fontSize}px Arial`, fill: playerConfig.textColor, stroke: playerConfig.textBorder }; cell.setText(!Config.toggleShowNameState ? name : '', 'name', textStyle); const massString = Config.toggleMassState !== 0 ? Math.round(cell.mass | 0) + '' : ''; cell.setText(massString, 'mass', { ...textStyle, font: `bold ${fontSize * 0.7 | 0}px Arial`, y: fontSize, }); } draw.js gameLoop.js renderer.js
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