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Problem using phaser debug module

Crystal Noir

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Hi everyone :) I am 37 years old and I have some experience with several language and makers but not javascript.


I am very new to Phaser and I try to learn Phaser and Javascript. I try to follow this tutorial : http://www.gamedevacademy.org/html5-phaser-tutorial-spacehipster-a-space-exploration-game/


And I would like to use the Phaser Debug Module, this one : https://github.com/englercj/phaser-debug


The problem is that I don't understand how to activate it. I add the <script></script> balise on my index.html file that's ok and after include the phaser.js file.

But I don't understand how to add this : game.add.plugin(Phaser.Plugin.Debug);


Regarding the tutorial I try to follow, we first create a SpaceHipster.game but when it seems that I don't understand how to implement this plugin. Could you help me understand what exactly I have to do with this to make it work with the tutorial ?


Thank you in advance :)

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