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How to correctly extend a sprite with children when anchor.set is used?


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I am extending phaser.sprite to make a card out of 2 images. The back of the card is positioned in the center of the base card image.

This works as expected until I add anchor.set(0.5) in the game and the child does not get positioned relative to the parent.

Am I adding the child sprite incorrectly?

CardMc = function (game, x, y, cardOuterImage, cardBackImage) {    Phaser.Sprite.call(this, game, x, y, cardOuterImage);    // Add child sprite (back of card)    this.backImage = game.add.sprite(x,y,cardBackImage);    this.addChild(this.backImage);    this.backImage.x = this.width / 2 - this.backImage.width / 2;    this.backImage.y = this.height / 2 - this.backImage.height / 2;    };CardMc.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype);CardMc.prototype.constructor = CardMc;

In the game

					// Works correctly					var card = new CardMc(game, 100, 200, 'card', 'card-back');					game.add.existing(card);					card.x = 100;					// Child is not positioned correctly relative to the parent					var card = new CardMc(game, 100, 200, 'card', 'card-back');					game.add.existing(card);					card.anchor.set(0.5);					card.x = 100;

Thanks in advance.

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You need to ensure the backImage gets the same anchor as its parent. A simple way to do this would be to create a new function such as 'setAnchor' on your CardMc object (add this after the CardMc.prototype.constructor line):

CardMc.prototype.setAnchor = function(x, y) {  this.anchor.x = this.backImage.anchor.x = x || 0;  this.anchor.y = this.backImage.anchor.y = y || ( (y !== 0) ? this.anchor.x : 0 );}
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