christian.tucker Posted December 10, 2014 Share Posted December 10, 2014 I followed the word input example to try to create my own version of a text-input-field, as it seems like phaser doesn't have one. Doing so I have the following code Create() game.input.keyboard.addCallbacks(this, null, null, this.keyPress);Then another defined method:keyPress: function(char) { console.log("pressed"); if(this.selected == 1) { this.userFieldText.text += char; } else if(this.selected == 2) { this.passFieldText.text += char; }}I'm using states, so the full class looks like so:/** * Created by Jellal on 12/9/2014. */var loginButton;var userField;var userFieldText;var passField;var passFieldText;var selected;var stateLogin = { preload: function() { game.stage.backgroundColor = '#000'; game.load.image('text-field', 'assets/ui/text-box.png'); game.load.image('login-button', 'assets/ui/login-button.png'); }, create: function() { this.selected = 0; var userLabel = game.add.text(200, 200, 'Enter a username: '); userLabel.fontSize = 20; userLabel.fill='#fff'; var passLabel = game.add.text(200, 250, 'Enter a password: '); passLabel.fontSize = 20; passLabel.fill='#fff'; var userField = game.add.sprite(350, 195, 'text-field'); userField.inputEnabled = true; { this.selectField('user') }, this); var passField = game.add.sprite(350, 245, 'text-field'); passField.inputEnabled = true; { this.selectField('pass') }, this); this.userFieldText = game.add.text(360, 200, ''); this.userFieldText.fontSize = 16; this.userFieldText.fill = "#fff"; this.passFieldText = game.add.text(360, 250, ''); this.passFieldText.fontSize = 16; this.passFieldText.fill = "#fff"; game.input.keyboard.addCallbacks(this, null, null, this.keyPress); }, update: function() { console.log('Selected: ' + this.selected + ' Text: ' + this.userFieldText.text); }, selectField: function(field) { if(field == 'user') { this.selected = 1; } else if(field == 'pass') { this.selected = 2; } }, keyPress: function(char) { console.log("pressed"); if(this.selected == 1) { this.userFieldText.text += char; } else if(this.selected == 2) { this.passFieldText.text += char; } }};There are no errors displayed; However it just simply doesn't work. If i remove the 'this' from the call, I then get an undefined error. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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