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Sound problem (and questions) in Cocoonjs


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I'm using cocoon 2.1.1 and phaser 2.2.1


I tried to add music to my game

// Loading musicgame.load.audio('loopGameStart', 'assets/music/GameStart.mp3');
// Playing musicmusic = game.add.sound('loopGameStart',1,true);  // key, volume, loop music.play('',0,1,true);  //marker, position, volume, loop, forceRestart

Everything works great in chrome but in Canvas+ on cocoonjs I'm getting a warning "Phaser.Loader error loading file: loopGameStart from URL null". It seems like it can't load the mp3 file without a reason...


Also I have a few questions not related to the problem:

1. Which format works best? wav? ogg? mp3? what's the different beside the file size? Is there a suitable format for cocoonjs?

2. I saw in the forum some are using 2 files likes:

game.load.audio('music', ['file.mp3', 'file.ogg']);

What's the reason to do that?




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wav has the biggest filesize.  mp3 is not entirely free, ogg is available for everyone without a license..  so ogg is my favorite option and it works with cocoonjs


i didn't know you can load two files together.. the only reason i can think of to do that is to allow the browser which one to use..  not every browser supports ogg for example

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wav has the biggest filesize.  mp3 is not entirely free, ogg is available for everyone without a license..  so ogg is my favorite option and it works with cocoonjs


i didn't know you can load two files together.. the only reason i can think of to do that is to allow the browser which one to use..  not every browser supports ogg for example



What do you mean not entirely free?


Also, any idea why I'm getting url problem?

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OK thanks.


For my problem, it seems like cocoonjs doesn't accept mp3 files, so I should provide him also ogg as fallback (as you said)


This one fixed my problem

game.load.audio('music', ['file.mp3','file.ogg']);
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