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states question


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Hi, i just recently started using phaser, (and programming in general :P). im reading about phaser states and looking at examples i see this repeated in some of them


var game = new Phaser.Game(width, height, Phaser.AUTO, 'test');

var BasicGame = function(game) {};
BasicGame.Boot = function (game) {};
BasicGame.Boot.prototype = etc etc .
could someone explain me what are the advantages of using this pattern and not just use game.state.add. I have some understanding of prototype ineritance but can't figure this 
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It's for readability, extensibility (you could share functions between states and extend/modify them) and it keeps your code cleanly separated. Also, if you tried to add the state directly like so:

game.state.add("SomeState", {   create: function() {    // blah blah  },  update: function() {    // blah blah blay  }}

You'll find scope rather tricky to work with from within the state; 'this' will not work as expected. You're best off keeping things more verbose otherwise maintainability of your code will quickly deteriorate.

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