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Rendering a child Sprite on top of everything else?


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I have a tile-based game with units. Each unit has a health bar above their sprite so that it is overlapping with the upper tile a bit.


To achieve that I've subclassed the Sprite class and added a Graphics object as a child. When I render a newly spawn unit above the previous unit, it will hide a nice chunk of the previous unit's health bar!

This makes sense since the new unit object was created AFTER, however I want the health bars to be rendered on top. For every unit.


Is there a nice solution to this problem? Without me having to move the Graphic objects out from the unit objects?

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In the end the scene graph determines the order of every sprite on the screen. You have a few options available; you could create a null sprite with the health bar and then the actual unit graphic as two children, then you can ensure the health bars is always above the unit graphic:

var MyUnit = function(game, x, y) {  // This extends Phaser.Sprite but has no graphic of its own, so it acts a bit like a group  Phaser.Sprite.call(this, game, x, y, null);  // Create the two sub-components of the unit - the health bar and the sprite  this.healthBar = new HealthBar(this);  this.unitSprite = game.add.sprite(x, y, "unitGraphic");  // Add the sprite first...  this.addChild(unitSprite);  // ... then the health bar on top.  this.addChild(healthBar);}

The other option would be to create a group for the health bars above all of the unit graphics, and then rather than adding the health bar as a child of the unit, you'd add it to the group and update its position via the unit's update function:

var MyUnit = function(game, x, y, healthBarGroup) {  this.healthBar = new HealthBar(this);  healthBarGroup.add(healthBar);};MyUnit.prototype.update = function() {  this.healthBar.position.copyFrom(this.position);};
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