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Rotation with FreeCamera


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First of all: I'm new to Babylon.js  :) and looked through the Babylon.JS-Tutorials on Github.


But now I'm stuck and don't know why: I looked at the 18 - Drag and Drop Example and instead of moving the Meshes I tried to simply rotate them, that worked fine. But when I change the BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera to  BABYLON.FreeCamera it wouldn't rotate the objects in the front anymore, only the one in the back?!


On my search for a Solution I found this Thread, where somebody posted this Example  (A Modification of the Drag And Drop - Example), there I also replaced the BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera with a BABYLON.FreeCamera.


Heres my Modification with the FreeCamera: Playground/#2CEF73


Now if I replace this 5th line of code

var camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("Camera", new BABYLON.Vector3(10, 10, 10), scene);	

with this:

var camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("Camera", new BABYLON.Vector3(10, 10, -10), scene);	

it works.


But why??? How can I modify the code to make it work with the first line of code?

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Hi and welcome!

So. A few things about your implementation :-)

  1. scene.pick gets requires 2 parameters (in your case). pointer X and pointerY. There is no pointerZ in the scene, as this refers to the mouse 2D coordinates on the screen.
  2. Same thing goes to createPickingRay . 
  3. You have provided both with pointerZ (which doesn't exist). But this is not the cause to your problem :-)
  4. The main cause is the camera's target. 

    after creating the greenBox solves this issue. I didn't debug it completely, but this is what's missing and this will make it work with any of the positions.

Updated demo - http://playground.babylonjs.com/#2CEF73#2

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