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Change frame for sprite in Arcade mode


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How do I change the frame to 1 for o2 when it's being overlapped by o1? The current code o2.frame=1 is not working and how to reset the frame to 0 once the rect is not overlap?
for(var i=6;i>0;i--){   n1=gobj.add.sprite(i*50,150,hunote,rhunote)   gobj.physics.arcade.enable(n1)}function update() {  gobj.physics.arcade.overlap(rect, n1, overlapHandler, null, this)}function overlapHandler(o1, o2){...}

And the Phaser example explained how to handle 2 sprites, how will it detect and update 6's n1 sprites?


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You need to use group.

Try something like this.

function create(){    //Create o1 group    o1 = game.add.group();    //make some loop here    o1.create(1 * 50, 150, 'spritewith2frame');    o1.create(2 * 50, 150, 'spritewith2frame');    o1.create(3 * 50, 150, 'spritewith2frame');    game.physics.enable(this.o1);    //Create o2 group    o2 = game.add.group();    //make some loop here    o2.create(1 * 50, 150, 'spritewith2frame');    o2.create(2 * 50, 150, 'spritewith2frame');    o2.create(3 * 50, 150, 'spritewith2frame');    game.physics.enable(this.o2);}function update(){    game.physics.arcade.overlap(o1,o2, function(o1,o2){        if (o1.frame == 0){            o1.frame = 1:        }    });}
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