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Drawing a polygon (Wtf?)


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I'm trying to draw a simple polygon in phaser, but for some reason i get:



My whole code is: (Coffee)

  game = new Phaser.Game config.width, config.height, Phaser.AUTO  graphics = game.add.graphics(0, 0); # FAIL ON THIS  $.getJSON "assets/json/json.json", (data)->    $.each data, (key, polygon) ->      p = new Phaser.Polygon(polygon);      graphics.beginFill(0xFF33ff);      graphics.drawPolygon(p.points);      graphics.endFill();


I get the following error;

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'graphics' of null

Most places ive seen im doing this correct. It may be some coffescript silly bug?


(Compiled JS)

 var game, graphics;  game = new Phaser.Game(config.width, config.height, Phaser.AUTO);  graphics = game.add.graphics(0, 0);  $.getJSON("assets/json/json.json", function(data) {    return $.each(data, function(key, polygon) {      var p;      p = new Phaser.Polygon(polygon);      graphics.beginFill(0xFF33ff);      graphics.drawPolygon(p.points);      return graphics.endFill();    });  });

Anyone have any idea? :)





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