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How to get child sprite to react to dead parent sprite?


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When a parent is killed there is no killed event on children.


There's a destroy event on children so I don't understand how children don't get the other event.


There's an effect I want to happen on children when a parent sprite gets killed.


There are options I can think of like manually killing the children when the parent is killed, but I'd much rather have phaser handle the killed event.


Is there something I'm overlooking like maybe a property flag?


I'm kind of wanting the the children to be a part of the parent.

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You're not overlooking anything. Probably the best way is to setup an onKilled event on your parent sprite, then iterate each of the children in that.


Ok thanks. I solved it already any way. I just placed the child on a property of the parent so I could just call methods on the child sprite when the parent sprite gets killed.


A property works will because the effect is only on one child. It also helps because a property with no data is a good place to check if effects will happen.


Something else I learned is calling kill on a child sprite doesn't work, and the onKilled event can't be dispatched on the child. I suppose sprites can only really be killed directly in the game without a parent sprite. I could just add the kill method on the extended sprite, but what ever. :)

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