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Make one sprite be dependent of another


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Hello, everyone. First of all, sorry if this is a duplicated topic, but I couldn't find one that was exactly what I needed.


I have one sprite (let's call it "bullet") and another sprite that represents its shadow. At first I was only instantiating both, using the same starting position and velocity.x. The problem is that, after some changes in the code, I realized that I should remove both when the bullet collides with a particular object. Both bullet and shadow are part of a group (lots of bullets and shadows!), and I needed something to kill both in case of bullet colision, and also to not depend on two "setValue" for their velocity (if "bullet" is velocity.x - 300, then the shadow would follow it). Is there some way to do it in Phaser?


Just one thing: I found some places where you could use "addChild", but I couldn't make it work. If this is the case, could you please show me a practical example? 


Thank you so much in advance.

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addChild should be exactly what you want. I'm using it, for instance, to put health bars on units.


Alternately, you can have each "bullet" be a group containing two sprites inside it.

var bullet = game.add.group();bullet.create(0, 0, "shadowSprite");bullet.create(0, 0, "bulletSprite");
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