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Resize window while using Phaser


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Hi all


thanks for the great work on Phaser .


I have a weird issue while using phaser, on a classic way, that I can't reproduce with the examples on phaser.io.

Here is my app : http://www.fredericlam.com/phaser/public/resize.html


- on chrome under Mac OS

- enable the chrome toolbar

- enable the viewport rendering

- choose iphone device on LANDSCAPE mode 

- scroll down to the window

- that try to resize de window, and you are directly redirect to the top, why ?


All my functions create(), init(), preload() are empty.

I tried game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.NO_SCALE; without any changes.


This can explain this strange redirection on a "reel" iphone, sometimes, user are redirected to the top.


Please do you have any idea to understand this behaviour ? 


Many thanks


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