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Implementing items on the characters


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Hi Guys,  what's your approach to doing an item equipping function on the character.


Like in the Diablo games,  when you equip an item to the character, that character will reflect the item equipped..  so if the item is walking barehanded before, and then you equipped him with a sword, when he's walking, you see that he's holding the sword.  do you have to create a new set of frames for the character with the sword? 


not sure if that is the right way to do it as i assume having lots of items to be equipped would take too much design work.  is there like a way where you only draw the base character then the items, and then just combine them when needed?


Thanks for any input!

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the most beautiful way would be to design different spritesheets i guess but you can always use pixis method of "addChild()"  to add the one sprite as child to the other..


in my game i used the p2 method of constraints to "glue" individual objects together..  that way i could configure those separately and my character could also lose the sword and pick it up again and strike with the sword

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