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Is phaser suitable for my project?


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Hi I'm developing a project called "interactive configurator". This is going to be based on an HTML form and canvas element. Based on the user choice I want to display several elements on the canvas. For example.

User selects his area of interest - products are displayed on canvas

User selects price range - some products are removed

User selects particular device - the device and some options/modules are displayed

User selects a module - a module is attached to the device on canvas


I decided to use Phaser for this because i'd like to make it in the form of an interactive animation with a lot of fancy effects etc.

However, this is my first project of this kind I'm not sure if I'm going in the right direction. Is this framework capable of delivering what I need? Any suggestions are much appreciated.

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This is lot of opinion question.


I think otherwise, I would use something like Bootstrap (web) or Ionic (if phones), but that "interactive animation with a lot of fancy effects etc." might defend your selection to phaser. As I said in the other thread, I say here too that select techniques which you know well, and take you to the goal.

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You could actually use any MVC library you want and Phaser together. If you are only using Phaser, you can also do it; but prepare your self to do some good amound of coding to fill in parts that phaser does not have, because Phaser is not that good at being anything else than a game engine. Maybe your life would be easier if you combine something like bootstrap or backbone or your favorite MVsomething library with Pixi. It sounds that most of what you'd be using Phaser for is already supported by Pixi.

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