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HitArea on Sprite, Not positioned correctly?


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I'm trying to add a HitArea to a sprite, but the hitArea appears below the sprite itself, Ive used the same hitArea on an Graphics element with a polygon, and it works fine.




What you see here is an representation of the problem.


I draw both the Graphic elements and the Sprite element, and they are positioned correctly. I then add the hitarea to both the Graphics and the Sprite using the polygon bounds.

As you can see, it does light up as expected when hovering an object (Graphics object trigger), but the Sprite only triggers when i hover slightly below the Sprite. 

What is causing this?


Code for drawing Graphics and Sprite objects:

      # GRAPHICS PRIMITE EDITION      # Set bound padding to 0      graphics.boundsPadding = 0      mapContainer.addChild graphics      # Hovering the graphics object      graphics.mouseover =  (e) ->        this.clear()        this.lineStyle(2, 0x000000, 1);        #this.blendMode = PIXI.blendModes.ADD        this.beginFill(0xffffff, 1);        this.drawPolygon(this.polygon.points)      # leave hovering the graphics object      graphics.mouseout =  (e) ->        this.clear()        this.lineStyle(2, 0x000000, 1);        this.beginFill(0xffffff, 0.5);        this.blendMode = 0        this.drawPolygon(this.polygon.points)      # SPRITE EDITION      # Generate a normal texture      texture = graphics.generateTexture()      # Generate a hover texture      graphics.clear()      graphics.lineStyle(3, 0xFF0000, 1);      graphics.blendMode = PIXI.blendModes.ADD      graphics.drawPolygon(graphics.polygon.points)      hoverTexture = graphics.generateTexture()      # Create a sprite      sprite = new Gotham.Graphics.Sprite texture      sprite.normalTexture = texture      sprite.hoverTexture = hoverTexture      sprite.position.x = graphics.minX      sprite.position.y = graphics.minY      hitarea = new PIXI.Polygon graphics.polygon.points      sprite.hitArea = hitarea      sprite.interactive = true      mapContainer.addChild sprite      # Hovering the graphics object      sprite.mouseover =  (e) ->        @bringToFront()        @texture = @hoverTexture      sprite.mouseout =  (e) ->        @texture = @normalTexture
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