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sprite texture


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Please tell me what kind of texture I need to use, if I have a big image 2048x2048, what contain a lot of litlle image (sprite of images) and I want to apply to mesh a specific image from there, and at click, another image from same sprite.


I found informations, only about Procedural Textures, on documentation, and on Github, are a lot of textures.




tutorials from http://doc.babylonjs.com/, section  Parametric Shapes, doesn't work :




c[0] is undefined



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@bulisor :

Ok, I understand why the playground examples don't work (parametric shapes / extrusion )... and why they still work on my computer with my one week old last generated babylonjs-2.1.js.

There are actually many missing lines in the Mesh._ExtrudeShapeGeneric() function in the current github babylonjs2.1.js file.

Don't know why ...


@DK :

Can you see this commit : https://github.com/jbousquie/Babylon.js/commit/5fa4e0e2632ba71048191fb2c8dd16846057cb57 ?

Green lines of the right panel from 1187 to 1211 are missing the Mesh._ExtrudeShapeGeneric() function of the current github babylonjs-2.1.js file.

(beware : there were following ones + some of your manual cleanups)


current js  :

        Mesh._ExtrudeShapeGeneric = function (name, shape, curve, scale, rotation, scaleFunction, rotationFunction, rbCA, rbCP, custom, scene, updtbl, side) {            var path3D = new BABYLON.Path3D(curve);            var shapePaths = [];            var extrudedGeneric = Mesh.CreateRibbon(name, shapePaths, rbCA, rbCP, 0, scene, updtbl, side);            return extrudedGeneric;        };

current mesh.ts file :

 private static _ExtrudeShapeGeneric(name: string, shape: Vector3[], curve: Vector3[], scale: number, rotation: number, scaleFunction, rotationFunction, rbCA:     boolean, rbCP: boolean, custom: boolean, scene: Scene, updtbl: boolean, side: number): Mesh {  var path3D = new Path3D(curve);  var shapePaths: Vector3[][] = [];  var extrudedGeneric = Mesh.CreateRibbon(name, shapePaths, rbCA, rbCP, 0, scene, updtbl, side);  return extrudedGeneric;}

Needed lines (all the logic for extrusion is here !) :

 private static _ExtrudeShapeGeneric(name: string, shape: Vector3[], curve: Vector3[], scale: number, rotation: number, scaleFunction: { (i: number, distance: number): number; }, rotateFunction: { (i: number, distance: number): number; }, rbCA: boolean, rbCP: boolean, custom: boolean, scene: Scene, updtbl: boolean, side: number): Mesh {  var path3D: Path3D = new BABYLON.Path3D(curve);  var tangents: Vector3[] = path3D.getTangents();  var normals: Vector3[] = path3D.getNormals();  var binormals: Vector3[] = path3D.getBinormals();  var distances: number[] = path3D.getDistances();  var shapePaths: Vector3[][] = [];  var angle: number = 0;  var returnScale: { (i: number, distance: number): number; } = function(i, distance) { return scale; };  var returnRotation: { (i: number, distance: number): number; } = function(i, distance) { return rotation; };  var rotate: { (i: number, distance: number): number; } = custom ? rotateFunction : returnRotation;  var scl: { (i: number, distance: number): number; } = custom ? scaleFunction : returnScale;  for (var i: number = 0; i < curve.length; i++) {    var shapePath: Vector3[] = [];    var angleStep: number = rotate(i, distances[i]);    var scaleRatio: number = scl(i, distances[i]);    for (var p: number = 0; p < shape.length; p++) {      var rotationMatrix: Matrix = BABYLON.Matrix.RotationAxis(tangents[i], angle);      var planed: Vector3 = ( (tangents[i].scale(shape[p].z)).add(normals[i].scale(shape[p].x)).add(binormals[i].scale(shape[p].y)) );      var rotated: Vector3 = BABYLON.Vector3.TransformCoordinates(planed, rotationMatrix).scaleInPlace(scaleRatio).add(curve[i]);      shapePath.push(rotated);    }    shapePaths.push(shapePath);    angle += angleStep;  }  var extrudedGeneric = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateRibbon(name, shapePaths, rbCA, rbCP, 0, scene, updtbl, side);  return extrudedGeneric;}

Maybe something wen't wrong with the last fix/edition about the scope variable cleanup, I don't really know. :(

Maybe in this commit : https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/commit/77d51c86bffe3094bb2170f0d98113e9cc5ad9af where 20 lines seem to have gone away.


It used to work, it doesn't work anymore.

Lines are just missing.

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