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Phaser.Physics.P2JS vs. Phaser.Physics.BOX2D


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today, they released the BOX2D commercial Plugin for Phaser:




or at least came up with examples, so that somebody could start working with it. Anyways, I have been using P2JS on my ongoing development and have been pretty satisfied except that it is sometimes hard to work around issues with friction which applies on a body top but also side, so that a character will not slide on top but in return hangs on the side due to that friction, sure I found some workarounds but I was wondering if BOX2D would solve such issues better.


Does someone have experience with both of the physics systems and if yes, what are the pros and cons of each?



Thaks a lot!

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I can't say i'm an expert on either, but I think the examples illustrate a lot of the differences. One thing I was particularly interested in was the ability to add Wheel fixtures to a physics body (you may be able to do this in P2JS, but it definitely is easier with BOX2D). Detecting continuous collision appears to be easier too.


Hope this helps in some way.

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