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Animations in prefab does not works like expected


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I'm creating a 3d/2d world.

I'm trying to create prefab so it's easy to structure and re-use the code.


I found a weird issue with prefabs that is using animations.


You expect that when you create a object of your class in your state, you mostly provide the parameter with "this" that stands for the game object:


    this.pl1 = new PL1(this, this.loadMap.playx, this.loadMap.playy);


In the prefab class i'm adding my animation:

    this.animations.add('left', [1,2], 10, true);

but as soon when i run the game, it will raise an error:


This will happen only when i'm using animations.


The solution at this moment that i found (as weird as it sounds) is to create the object class like this:

    this.pl1 = new PL1(this.game, this.loadMap.playx, this.loadMap.playy);


I'm just adding this.game instead of this, this only works for prefab classes that having animations included.


This class also has 'use strict'; at the top, like all the other prefab classes.



Is there another way to solve this issue? Because at this moment i can't use global variables in my player class, because it's using another game object.





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