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Phaser.Text.align : event with multiple lignes, does not affect the first one.


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Hi guys,


I tried to center a texte with multiple lines :


myText.text = "SOLIDE                                                                                         !!!!";


All question marks are displayed in the second lines because of the wordWarpWidth value - so far everything's ok.

Then I change the "align" property and set it to "right" - now all question-marks are aligned to the right but not "SOLID" which stays in the same position, at the left. Whatever align value is, all words in the first line stay at the left - even if the text contains multiple lines.


Any idea why ?


Thank you

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I tried to remove all the spaces, so my text looks like :


myText.text = "SOLID,



Then I set the align property to center and still only the second line is centered. Am'I doing something wrong ?


Thank you

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