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Timer bug when game paused or timer missuse


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I have created a timer like this:

   //  Create our Timer    timer = game.time.create(false);    //  Set a event to occur after 20 seconds    timer.loop(20000, do_stuff, this);

I have setup the spacebar to pause or unpause the game like this:

    // add keyboard controls    var pauseKey = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR);    pauseKey.onDown.add(toggle_pause)

When the player hits the spacebar, the game gets paused or unpaused like this:

    function toggle_pause() {        game.paused = !game.paused;        if (!game.paused) {            timer.resume();        } else {           timer.pause();        }    }

When ever I pause the game let's say for 30 seconds, then unpause the game, the timer will not be called for another 50 seconds (20 seconds for timer + 30 seconds of pause time).


I have tested this with shorter and longer pause times, I get the same effect (20 seconds of timer + N seconds of pause time).


Am I using the timer wrongly or is this a bug?



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Shouldn't it be like this?

  function toggle_pause() {        game.paused = !game.paused;        if (!game.paused) {            timer.pause();        } else {           timer.resume();        }    }

Also, have you tried pausing the game without manually pausing the timer?

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Shouldn't it be like this?

  function toggle_pause() {        game.paused = !game.paused;        if (!game.paused) {            timer.pause();        } else {           timer.resume();        }    }

Also, have you tried pausing the game without manually pausing the timer?

Pausing the game without pausing the timer did the trick, thanks darkraziel



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