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How to make coins explode out of monster


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I am trying to make coins explode out of a monster when it is killed. the explode would be similar to this example: http://phaser.io/examples/v2/particles/diamond-burst

I also want the coins to be clicked individually similar to this example:http://phaser.io/examples/v2/groups/call-all-input

I am confused as to how to incorporate the two above examples together. Is emitting particles the way to go? I am also confused as to how to set each coin to have a different value depending on the monster.

Any help is appreciated.


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you could create a pool of sprites and only reset them when needed with a custom function that also sets some other variables..

coins = game.add.group();  // add a new group for fireballs
coins.createMultiple(500, 'coin', 0, false);  // create plenty of them hidden and out of the game world

on explode: 


function explode() {
        var coin = coins.getFirstExists(false); // get the first created fireball that no exists atm
        if (coin){
            coin.exists = true;  // come to existance !
            coin.lifespan=2500;  // remove the fireball after 2500 milliseconds - back to non-existance 
            coin.reset(monster.x, monster.y);

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ok my game is a tap based game.


after a few monsters die and the coins drop and some of them overlap, how can i make it so that one tap on an area picks them all up?


i currently have them as a group and i do :


this.coins.setAll('inputEnabled', true);
this.coins.callAll('events.onInputDown.add', 'events.onInputDown', this.removeCoin);
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