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It's ludum dare...


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Sure - but that wasn't the point (the game isn't done anyway).


I was just checking if other phaser devs joined ludum dare too.


I seem to remember that phaser was pretty popular the last times around.

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Travelling for work knocked me out of this one sadly, though I did dabble for a few hours with one simple concept.

I'll be jumping in later to vote on some games, keen to see how people have worked with the theme.

(I'm hoping to see some neat innovative ideas, beyond just a common game mechanic and re-skinning a normal weapon with "unconventional/funny" weapon)

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Cool! Care to write a small post mortem on how you did it? :)


In the timelaps you can see, that I started by making the art in inkscape.

Next I took the monkey apart into head, hands, feed and body and put those sprites into spriter.

I animated it (idle, walk up, down, sideways and throwing) and exported those animations into pngs.

Next I took those and put them into texture packer, together with all other (none animated) graphics to create one spritesheet.


Now for the coding:


I used webstorm and typescript together with the lasted phaser (and the lasted .d.ts files).

I went with arcade physics.

First thing to do was putting the animations back together from the spritesheet. Since each animation has it's own name and after that the frames are numberd this was pretty easy.

After you tell your sprite about the animation frames and names and framerate, you can just call play for any animation.

Next I made the monkey walk towards the clicked points. (Easy with arcade.moveToXY)


I disabled the right-click browser menu via direct javascript in the page. And build the throwing function.


Next came the poop bar - the empty bar is one sprite, the filling is a tilesprite. to animate the tilesprite I constantly scroll the yOffset and the xOffset is set via a sinus function.

To fill / empty the bar, the height and the Y position of the filling tilesprite are adjusted according to how much is left. (if you don't adjust the Y position, the bar fills/empties from the bottom).


Collision with the bushes and the pond are easy as just calling collide(monkey, noWalk) - where noWalk is a group where I put all the blocking stuff in.


It's not much magic involved, since Phaser and the arcade system offer everything that is needed.


The butterflies are more of the same.. they pick a spot on the map and fly towards it (again moveXY and setting the correct angle) every 1 to 5 seconds they pick another target.


The last thing I did was add in the timer, score, multiplier texts and functions. The points you get are tweened away into alpha 0 and y: y-100 so they fly up and disapear.


The full .ts source is available at the ludum dare page.


The whole thing took 13 hours from stop to finish. (excluding breaks and sleeping) - I now this, because I checked the timestamps on the timelaps pictures and calculated ;)


If there are questions, feel free to ask.

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It looks nice! I will definitely try it out later today :)


I also used Phaser for this Ludum Dare. First time for me. I made an ambient typing/shooter-hybrid!






It actually went quite smoothly this time. Although, I'm used to C#/Java-structuring my code, so the JavaScript ended up quite messy.



Coding: JavaScript + Phaser in WebStorm

Music: FL studio

Sound: Bfxr

Visuals: Gimp

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