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Optimizing scene with large number of dynamic mesh having similar texture but different position


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So in my scene I will have :


1. dynamically generated meshes of type Plane

2. meshes will be in large number  (200-300)  

3. meshes will have same texture 

4. position of meshes could vary, but size will be same


Which feature of babylon should I use here to optimze speed in my scene in such case ? 


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Sounds like a job for Sprites, if you are okay with a couple of limitations (sprites don't cast or receive shadows, and they don't depth-composite with transparent objects or particles).

With that said, for only a few hundred meshes I'd bet performance will be very good even with no optimization.

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Not picked, won't receive shadow  will not do the job. 


And yes performance is affected greatly affected even with 200+ plane mesh. Plane mesh  doesn't have many vertices. Just 4 I guess. Still it FPS is reduced to 2/3. May be because I have mirror in scene. 


So I think instance is way to go.  

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Another question on same line. 


If I have instantiated mesh picked up, how do I change its texture , affectively changing texture of all mesh instantiated from same root mesh ? 


It seems I can't access ".material"  property of instantiated mesh. 

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Actually is fine if it changes texture of all instantiated mesh. And that is in fact how instance functions. So that's not a problem. 


It's only that I have an instantiated mesh with me (picked by mouse click) and not the original mesh from which it was instantiated (along with dozens other) .


So  question is how do I find mesh from which the given mesh was instantiated. Is there any standard way ? Or I have to add custom properties like "myParent" to instantiated mesh object on fly like: 

var instancemesh = origmesh.createInstance("");instancemesh.myParent  = origmesh ;

And then changing original mesh's texture when instantiated mesh is picked: 

 pickedMesh = scene.getMeshByName(pickResult.pickedMesh.name); pickedMesh.myParent.material.DiffuseTexture = new BABYLON.Texture('texture.jpg', scene);

Is this the only way? Though, this might work. I am not fan of adding properties on the fly as long as I can avoid .

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