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Phaser bug, i think


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I found some strange thing when I started to use phaser)


If I hold any button on keyborad with UP ARROW on keyboard and trying to move left using arrow " <-   "  - player doesn't move. But if I press RIGHT ARROW " ->"  - player moving well

So, when I want to use UP ARROW for hero jumping, shoot to enemies and move - I can't to do this



You can to test this thing here, for example: http://phaser.io/examples/v2/arcade-physics/platformer-basics

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Try different keys - start off trying a different key for shoot. Cursors don't tend to play well with other keys (especially modifier keys like CTRL) but it depends on the keyboard. If all else fails, you can try adding WASD or a similar standard combination of keys for movement in addition to cursors so players have a choice.

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