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text.anchor.set(0.5) removes text


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I have a very simple bit of code the places the word "START" at the (almost) center of the screen. However, when I try to set the text's anchor to its own relative center, the text vanishes from the game with no error. Am I doing something wrong?

copyRight = ' START ';startText = this.add.text(this.world.centerX, this.world.centerY, copyRight);//startText.anchor.set(0.5); //<- Commenting out this line I see text, when the line is not commented, the text vanishes???startText.font = 'Impact';startText.fontSize = 48;startText.fontWeight = '600';startText.stroke = '#0066ff';startText.align = 'center';startText.strokeThickness = '5';startText.fill = '#00ff00';

I was trying to follow the example here: http://phaser.io/examples/v2/text/hello-arial



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Okay, I believe I have discovered a bug?


It seems that it's an incompatibility between setting the anchor point of the text and adding a stroke to it, specifically setting the thickness. If I comment out line 44 and uncomment line 37, the text appears at the expected location on screen.


At any rate, I guess I'll switch to using a bitmap font to achieve the stroke look that I wanted. :)

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