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(partially solved) Loading Sound Issues with Nw.js (node-webkit)


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Hi Everyone,

In babylon.js, loading sounds through nw.js (v0.12.1 windows and linux) wouldn't work.

using the same code from the babylonjs audio tutorial:

// Load the sound and play it automatically once readyvar music = new BABYLON.Sound("Music", "music.wav", scene, null, { loop: true, autoplay: true });

I replaced the filenames with the correct paths and got this error:


(if the filename is incorrect it's this error instead: So it seems like the file was loading fine)



So I looked at the line that was reporting the error (in babylon.2.1-beta.debug.js) , commented it out, and added the code that runs when there isn't an error, and the sound loaded and played!

(using the latest babylon.js 2.1-beta, but the error also happened on babylon.js 2.0 stable)
That's the temporary fix I found , I'm not sure what is causing the error, possibly something to do with loading local files?

As a side note, The Wav file works, but when I tried an mp3 it gave this error:
nw.js is based on chromium which should support mp3 files, so I'm not sure what happened,
But for now wav files still work so this is just a quick fix if anyone is having problems with sound in nw.js

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I had a similar problem with Nw.js some days ago.
In NW.js v0.12 .1 only plays wav, so no ogg and mp3 for some reason :-O

(v0.13 ... alpha plays mp3 but it ha some bugs)


You need to chage the ffmpegsumo.dll, you can found it here:


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 Thanks for the feedback. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the file protocol always returns 0 for request.status. We haven't imagined being called that way. You then need to patch the code to check the protocol being used. If file://, we need to check that status === 0 and not 200.


 More details here:

https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js/issues/1465 & http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18391481/xmlhttprequest-in-nodewebkit-status-0





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