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Problem in my Game


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Hi everyone, first I have to appologize, I'm not english then my spelling may be wrong.

I'm working on a game, runner style but I have some issues :


- First, when the game is over I put a "Play again" button", but the more you wait to click, the more the button goes away and the navigator crash :/


- My other problem is that I don't know how to stop some function, for instance, my character can jump but can't jump again while he's jumping. Then he can also can "super jump" but while he's super jumping I can click over and over on the button "super jump" (and I don't want it) . Then there is my question, what's the code to stop a function ?


I will send you my code, please help me if you can ;p


<!DOCTYPE HTML><html>	<head>		<title>"Attrape-les notes" avec Phaser.js</title>		<meta charset="utf-8" />		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">		<script type="text/javascript" src="phaser.min.js"></script>		<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"/></script>		<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"/>	</head>	<body>		<div id="attrapeLesNotes">		</div>	</body></html>
body {	padding: 0; margin: 0;}#attrapeLesNotes {	margin: auto;	display: table;}
'use strict';// on déclare un objet Phaser qui va contenir notre jeu en 640*960pxvar game = new Phaser.Game(1640, 960, Phaser.AUTO/*CANVAS*/, 'attrapeLesNotes');game.transparent = true;var gameState = {};// On crée un objet "load" à notre objet gameStategameState.load = function () {}; //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Cet objet load va contenir des méthodes par défaut de Phaser// Il va nous permettre de charger nos ressources avant de lancer le jeugameState.load.prototype = {    // Méthode qui sera appelée pour charger les ressources    preload: function () {        // Contiendra les ressources à charger (images, sons et JSON)        // Bout de code qui va permettre au jeu de se redimensionner selon la taille de l'écran        this.game.stage.scaleMode = Phaser.StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL;        this.game.stage.scale.setShowAll();        window.addEventListener('resize', function () {            this.game.stage.scale.refresh();        });        this.game.stage.scale.refresh();        /***** Sprites  Load *****/        // Sol        this.game.load.image('ground', 'img/ground.png');        // Obstacle        this.game.load.image('pipe', 'img/pipes.png');        // bout des tuyaux        this.game.load.image('pipeEndTop', 'img/pipe-end-top.png');        this.game.load.image('pipeEndBottom', 'img/pipe-end-bottom.png');        // Background        this.game.load.image('background', 'img/background.png');        //Sprite Perso        this.game.load.spritesheet('spritePerso', 'img/bird0.png', 441, 467);        //Image d'accueil        this.game.load.image('imgAcc', 'img/pageV2.png');        //GameOver        this.game.load.image('gameOver', 'img/GameOverNoir.png');        //Rejouer        this.game.load.image('buttonPlay', 'img/Rejouer.png');        //Chiffres score        this.game.load.atlasJSONHash('numbers', 'img/numbers.png', 'data/numbers.json');        //Image score        this.game.load.image('scoreImg', 'img/score.png');        //Image Super Saut        this.game.load.image('processBar', 'img/BoutonSS00.png');        this.game.load.spritesheet('processBar', 'img/ProcessBar.png', 400, 100);    },    create: function () {        // Est appelée après la méthode "preload" afin d'appeler l'état "main" de notre jeu        game.state.start('main');    }};// va contenir le coeur du jeugameState.main = function () {}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------gameState.main.prototype = {    // Méthode qui sera appelée pour initialiser le jeu et y intégrer les différentes ressources    create: function () {        //Création de l'arrière-plan en tant que sprite        this.background = this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'background');        this.background.width = this.game.width;        this.background.height = this.game.height;        //Création du sol         this.ground = this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'ground');        this.ground.width = this.game.width * 2;        this.ground.height = this.game.height / 5;        this.ground.y = this.game.height - this.ground.height;        this.ground.body.immovable = true;        //this.ground.body.velocity.x = -250;        this.ground.body.rebound = false;        //Création du personnage        this.spritePerso = this.game.add.sprite(250, 651, 'spritePerso');        this.spritePerso.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);        this.spritePerso.animations.add('standing', [0, 1, 2, 1], 8, true)        this.spritePerso.play('standing');        this.spritePerso.width = this.spritePerso.width / 2;        this.spritePerso.height = this.spritePerso.height / 2;        // Obstacles        this.pipes = game.add.group();        this.pipes.createMultiple(40, 'pipe');        this.arrayPipes = new Array();        //Page d'accueil        this.imgAcc = game.add.sprite(425, 70, 'imgAcc');        this.tweenAcc = this.game.add.tween(this.imgAcc);        this.tweenAcc.to({            x: this.imgAcc.x + 20        }, 800, Phaser.Easing.Quadratic.InOut, true, 0, 10000000000, true);        // Image "gameOver"        this.gameOver = this.game.add.sprite(this.game.width / 2, 300, 'gameOver');        this.gameOver.x -= this.gameOver.width / 2;        this.gameOver.y -= this.gameOver.height / 2;        this.gameOver.alpha = 0;        // Image Score        this.scoreImg = this.game.add.sprite(this.game.width / 60, this.game.height / 1.15, 'scoreImg');        this.scoreImg.alpha = 0;        //Bouton Rejouer        this.buttonPlay = this.game.add.sprite(this.game.width / 2,this.game.height / 1.5, 'buttonPlay');        this.buttonPlay.alpha = 0;        this.buttonPlay.inputEnabled = true        this.buttonPlay.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);                //ProcessBar - Super Saut        this.processBar = this.game.add.sprite(this.game.width/2,this.game.height/1.08, 'processBar');         this.processBar.alpha = 0;        this.processBar.inputEnabled = true        this.processBar.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);        //On empêche le corps physique de rebondir lors d'une collision        this.spritePerso.body.rebound = false;        //Nous permettra de savoir si le personnage est dans un saut ou non        this.birdInJump = false;        //Click -> fonction"start()"        this.game.input.onTap.add(this.start, this);        // Obstacle à vérifier pour savoir si le personnage l'a dépassé (permet d'augmenter le score)        // On vérifiera toujours le premier élément seulement        this.pipesToCheckForScore = new Array();        // Obstacle à vérifier pour savoir quand ajouter un obstacle        // On vérifiera toujours le premier élément seulement        this.pipesToCheckForAdd = new Array();    },    start: function () {        //Timer de l'ajout de l'obstacle        this.timer = this.game.time.events.loop(1500, this.addGroupPipes, this);        //Apparition de la barre de Super Saut        this.game.add.tween(this.processBar).to({            alpha: 1        }, 300, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, 0, true);                                                    //Apparition du score        this.game.add.tween(this.scoreImg).to({            alpha: 1        }, 300, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, 0, true);        //Suppression de la page d'accueil        this.game.add.tween(this.imgAcc).to({            alpha: 0        }, 500, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, 0, true);        // Gravité du personnage        this.ground.body.velocity.x = -400;        this.spritePerso.body.gravity.y = 1500;        // Premier saut        this.spritePerso.body.velocity.y = -500;        // Insérer le personnage dans l'action Jump        this.birdInJump = true;        //On supprime l'événement qui se déclenchait au click sur le jeu        this.game.input.onTap.removeAll();            // Score        this.score = 0;        this.spritesScore = new Array();        var spriteScore = this.game.add.sprite(this.game.width / 3.9, 850, 'numbers');        this.spritesScore.push(spriteScore);        this.spritesScore[0].animations.add('number');        this.spritesScore[0].animations.frame = 0;        this.spritesScore[0].x -= this.spritesScore[0].width / 2;        //Afin d'ajouter le Jump à l'événement down sur le jeu        this.game.input.onDown.add(this.jump, this);                //Interactivité avec le bouton pour Super Saut        var self = this;        self.processBar.events.onInputDown.add(function () {            self.processBar.y += 2;        });        self.processBar.events.onInputUp.add(function () {            self.processBar.y -= 2;            self.superSaut();});    },    superSaut: function () {        //Quand le perso est encore visible (ne dépasse pas le haut de l'écran)        if (this.spritePerso.y + this.spritePerso.height >= 0) {            //On inscrit le personnage dans l'action jump            this.birdInJump = true;            //On change la zone de collision du personnage            this.spritePerso.destroy(true);            this.spritePerso = this.game.add.sprite(250, 650, 'spritePerso');            this.spritePerso.body.setPolygon(                /* x = */ 300,                /* y = */ 150,                330, 50,                350, 50,                350, 50,                405, 105,                410, 145,                440, 150,                410, 190,                430, 315,                410, 410,                350, 450,                250, 400,                220, 340);            this.spritePerso.x = this.game.height / 4.4;            this.spritePerso.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);            this.spritePerso.animations.add('saut', [6, 7, 8], 8, true)            this.spritePerso.play('saut');            this.spritePerso.width = this.spritePerso.width / 2.4;            this.spritePerso.height = this.spritePerso.height / 2.4;            //Saut            this.spritePerso.body.velocity.y = -1000;            this.spritePerso.body.gravity.y = 1200;            this.processBar.animations.add('utilisation', [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,0], 8, false);            this.processBar.play('utilisation');            this.removeAllEventListeners;            //this.game.input.[processBar].removeAll();        }    },    jump: function () {        //Quand le perso est encore visible (ne dépasse pas le haut de l'écran)        if (this.spritePerso.y + this.spritePerso.height >= 0) {            //On inscrit le personnage dans l'action jump            this.birdInJump = true;            //On change la zone de collision du personnage            this.spritePerso.destroy(true);            this.spritePerso = this.game.add.sprite(250, 650, 'spritePerso');            this.spritePerso.body.setPolygon(                /* x = */ 300,                /* y = */ 150,                330, 50,                350, 50,                350, 50,                405, 105,                410, 145,                440, 150,                410, 190,                430, 315,                410, 410,                350, 450,                250, 400,                220, 340);            this.spritePerso.x = this.game.height / 4.4;            this.spritePerso.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);            this.spritePerso.animations.add('saut', [6, 7, 8], 8, true)            this.spritePerso.play('saut');            this.spritePerso.width = this.spritePerso.width / 2.4;            this.spritePerso.height = this.spritePerso.height / 2.4;            //Saut            this.spritePerso.body.velocity.y = -800;            this.spritePerso.body.gravity.y = 1500;            this.game.input.onDown.removeAll();        }    },    update: function () {        // Boucle principale du jeu (détection de collisions, déplacement du personnage...)        // -------------- Score --------------        if (this.pipesToCheckForScore.length != 0 && this.pipesToCheckForScore[0].x + this.pipesToCheckForScore[0].width / 2 < this.spritePerso.center.x) {            this.pipesToCheckForScore.splice(0, 1);            this.score++;            // on découpe le nombre en des chiffres individuels            var digits = this.score.toString().split('');            var widthNumbers = 0;            for (var j = 0; j < this.spritesScore.length; j++)                this.spritesScore[j].kill();            this.spritesScore = new Array();            // on met en forme le score avec les sprites            for (var i = 0; i < digits.length; i++) {                var spriteScore = this.game.add.sprite(widthNumbers, 425, 'numbers');                spriteScore.animations.add('number');                spriteScore.animations.frame = +digits[i];                this.spritesScore.push(spriteScore);                widthNumbers += spriteScore.width;                //window.alert(this.score); // SCORE            }            // on place le score            for (var i = 0; i < this.spritesScore.length; i++) {                this.spritesScore[i].x += this.game.width / 3.9 - widthNumbers / 2;                this.spritesScore[i].y = 845;            }        }        // Si le centre du sol sort à gauche de l'écran        if (this.ground.x + this.ground.width / 2 <= 0) {            this.ground.x = 0;        }        //************** Si collision **************        this.game.physics.overlap(this.spritePerso, this.ground, this.marche, null, this);        this.game.physics.overlap(this.spritePerso, this.pipes, this.collision, null, this);        // Quand le premier tuyau se trouve au milieu du terrain        if (this.pipesToCheckForAdd.length != 0 && this.pipesToCheckForAdd[0].x + this.pipesToCheckForAdd[0].width / 2 < this.game.world.width/2) {            /*-----------VALEUR A CHANGER POUR LA DISTANCE ENTRE LES POTS-------------*/            this.pipesToCheckForAdd.splice(0, 1);            // On ajoute un nouveau tuyau            this.addGroupPipes();        }        for (var i = 0; i < this.arrayPipes.length; i++) {            // si les bouts de tuyau du tuyau i se trouvent en dehors de la fenêtre (à gauche)            if (this.arrayPipes[i][0].x + this.arrayPipes[i][0].width < 0) {                // on les supprime                for (var j = 0; j < this.arrayPipes[i].length; j++) {                    this.arrayPipes[i][j].kill();                }            }        }    },        // On ajoute obstacle    addGroupPipes: function () {        // On supprime le timer qui ne nous sert plus à rien		this.game.time.events.remove(this.timer);		var nbPiecesOfPipes = 12;		var hole = Math.round(Math.random() * (nbPiecesOfPipes - 7)) + 3;		for (var i = 0; i <= nbPiecesOfPipes; i++)			if (i > hole + 1 || i < hole - 1)								this.addPieceOfPipe(this.game.world.width, this.game.world.height - this.ground.height - i * this.game.world.height / nbPiecesOfPipes, i, hole);    },        // Permet d'ajouter un morceau de tuyau    addPieceOfPipe: function (x, y, i,hole, nbPipe) {        // On prend le premier élément "mort" du groupe pipes        var pipe = this.pipes.getFirstDead();        // On change la position du bout de tuyau        pipe.reset(x, y);        // On change la vitesse pour qu'il se déplace en même temps que le sol        pipe.y=this.game.height/1.41;        //var alea = Math.round((Math.random()*100)+this.game.width);        pipe.x= 2000; //CHANGER POUR LA DISTANCE ENTRE LES GROUPES DE POTS (pour 1 point)        //console.log(alea);        pipe.body.velocity.x = -400;        pipe.body.immovable = true;        // on enregistre les tuyaux présents sur le terrain dans un tableau        // this.arrayPipes[index] = tuyau index en entier        // this.arrayPipes[index][2] = bout n°2 du tuyau index        if (i == 0) {            this.pipesToCheckForScore.push(pipe);            this.pipesToCheckForAdd.push(pipe);            this.arrayPipes.push(new Array());            this.arrayPipes[this.arrayPipes.length - 1].push(pipe);        } else {            this.arrayPipes[this.arrayPipes.length - 1].push(pipe);        }    },    //Perdu quand il se prend un obstacle    collision: function () {        //Animation tombe        this.spritePerso.animations.add('tombe', [10, 11], 16, false)        this.spritePerso.play('tombe');                //On retire le Jump        this.game.input.onDown.remove(this.jump, this);                //Disparition de la barre de Super Saut        this.game.add.tween(this.processBar).to({            alpha: 0        }, 500, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, 0, true);        //Apparition GameOver        this.game.add.tween(this.gameOver).to({            alpha: 1        }, 300, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, 0, true);                //Apparition bouton Rejouer        this.game.add.tween(this.buttonPlay).to({            alpha: 1        }, 300, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, 0, true);                //Interactivité avec le bouton pour rejouer        var self = this;        this.buttonPlay.events.onInputDown.add(function () {            self.buttonPlay.y = self.buttonPlay.y+0.5;        });        this.buttonPlay.events.onInputUp.add(function () {            self.buttonPlay.y = self.buttonPlay.y-0.5;            self.game.state.start('main');            //self.restart();        });                this.gameFinish();    },    /*restart: function () {        this.game.state.start('main');    },*/    gameFinish: function () {        //Le perso disparait        this.game.add.tween(this.spritePerso).to({            alpha: 0        }, 500, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, 0, true);        //On arrête le sol        this.ground.body.velocity.x = 0;        //On arrête les obstacles        for (var i = 0; i < this.arrayPipes.length; i++)            for (var j = 0; j < this.arrayPipes[i].length; j++)                this.arrayPipes[i][j].body.velocity.x = 0;        this.game.input.onDown.removeAll();        // On supprime le timer        this.game.time.events.remove(this.timer);    },    //Quand il retombe sur le sol    marche: function () {        this.game.input.onDown.add(this.jump, this);        //On change la zone de collision du personnage        this.spritePerso.destroy(true);        this.spritePerso = this.game.add.sprite(190, 650, 'spritePerso');        this.spritePerso.body.setPolygon(             /* x = */ 300,            /* y = */ 150,            330, 50,            350, 50,            350, 50,            405, 105,            410, 145,            445, 150,            410, 190,            430, 315,            410, 410,            350, 450,            250, 400,            220, 340);        this.spritePerso.y = this.game.height / 0.88;        this.spritePerso.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);        this.spritePerso.animations.add('marche', [3, 4, 5], 8, true)        this.spritePerso.play('marche');        this.spritePerso.width = this.spritePerso.width / 2.4;        this.spritePerso.height = this.spritePerso.height / 2.4;    },    render: function () {        // Affichage de la zone de collision du personnage        //this.game.debug.renderPhysicsBody(this.spritePerso.body);        // Affichage de la zone de collision des obstacles        //this.game.debug.renderPhysicsBody(this.pipes.body);    }};// On ajoute les 2 objet "gameState.load" et "gameState.main" à notre objet Phasergame.state.add('load', gameState.load);game.state.add('main', gameState.main);// Il ne reste plus qu'à lancer l'état "load"game.state.start('load');
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I'm very new to phaser myself, and I'm not sure why your play button is going away (if I understand correctly that that is what is happening), but maybe I can inspire better replies by replying badly?  ( Heh. ;) 


I think you should be able to prevent jumping while jump is already active by making and using a gameState.isJumping variable..

 - set it to false when the game starts

 - set it to true when you start playing the jump animation

 - in the jump function, return immediately (without launching a jump) if isJumping is true

 - add a listener for the "onComplete" event of the jump animation (maybe call the handler function "onJumpComplete" or something) and in that function, set isJumping to false


Sorry I don't have details or code, but my toddler is calling, so I have to go. I hope that helps!

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