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the movement of the character Phaser + NodeJS


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Hello, I have a problem with the movement of the character


Client MouseClick executed:

 movePlayer: function(pointer)    {               this.mouseTargetX = pointer.worldX;        this.mouseTargetY = pointer.worldY;                    if(hero.x == this.mouseTargetX && hero.y == this.mouseTargetY)            return;                    net.sock.send(toJSON('@w', {x:pointer.worldX,y:pointer.worldY}));            player.rotation = this.game.physics.arcade.angleToPointer(player, pointer);                },

Server NodeJS:

exports.playerMove = function(xy){    var duration = (distanceToXY({x:player.x,y:player.y}, xy.x, xy.y) / 65) * 1000;     var distance = distanceToXY({x:player.x,y:player.y}, xy.x, xy.y);        player.x = xy.x;    player.y = xy.y;        if(distance < 1400)    {        res = global.toJSON('@w', {x:player.x, y:player.y, d:duration});        global.s.write(res);                global.con.update('profiles',{x:player.x, y:player.y},{id:player.id}, function(err, affectedRows) {            console.log(err);            console.log(affectedRows)        });    }}

Again, the client

move:function(data)    {        if (tween && tween.isRunning)        {            tween.stop();        }        this.x = data.x;        this.y = data.y;                tween = game.add.tween(player).to({ x:data.x, y: data.y }, data.d, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);    }

But if you press many times click, the character is teleported to the point


How to check the movement of the player?
If he did not finish the movement (updated page) to stop the execution of the on-site break
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