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Truncated sprite a bug?


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Drew 2 bezier to form an ellipse shaped, when adding to sprite, there is a noticeable graphics bottom and right side are truncated.
var graphics = game.add.graphics(0,0);graphics.lineStyle(0,0x000000,1);graphics.beginFill(0xff0000);graphics.bezierCurveTo(0,10, 22,6, 19.5,-6);graphics.endFill();sprite = game.add.sprite(0,0,graphics.generateTexture());  //Can't offiset x and y position, the bottom and right with 1px horizontal and vertical are cutoff..... another bezier shapedvar sprite2 = game.add.sprite(0,-4,graphics.generateTexture());sprite.addChild(sprite2) //Sprite2 x and y can be offset and there isurve no cutoff issue.

Happen on 2.3.0 and 2.4.0.

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