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How to reset a sprite to its original position?


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How do I reset a sprite to its original position? I've been trying to follow the tutorials but couldn't find a solution. I know there is Sprite.reset method, but when I try to use it, the sprite just "flashes" quickly at the intended position and then disappears. The idea is that a when mySprite hits a sensor, it will be reset to its starting position waiting for user to start a new round.


Below is some relevant code. Also if there's something unrelated I'm doing wrong, please let me know.

var game = new Phaser.Game('100%', '100%', Phaser.AUTO, 'app', {    preload: preload,    create: create,    update: update,    render: render});var endSensorFixture;var map;var mySprite;var mySpriteStartingPoint;function preload() {    game.load.text('map', 'map.json'); // Exported from RUBE. Contains all sprites and the game map.}function create() {    game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.BOX2D);    game.physics.box2d.setPTMRatio(38);    game.input.addMoveCallback(dragMove);    map = new Phaser.Physics.Box2D.RubeScene('map');    // Load RubeScene and initialize Box2D elements    map.load(0, 0, function () {        mySprite = map.getSprite('mySprite');        mySpriteStartingPoint = new Phaser.Point(mySprite.x, mySprite.y);        mySprite.inputEnabled = true;        //mySprite.input.enableDrag(); // does not work        mySprite.body.data.SetActive(false);        mySprite.events.onInputDown.add(dragStart, mySprite);        mySprite.events.onInputUp.add(dragEnd, mySprite);        endSensorFixture = map.getFixture('endSensorFixture');        mySprite.body.setFixtureContactCallback(endSensorFixture, onHitEndSensor, mySprite);    });}function update() {    updateRubeSprites();}function onHitEndSensor(body1, body2, fixture1, fixture2, begin) {    endGame();}function endGame() {    if (isGameRunning) {        mySprite.reset(mySpriteStartingPoint.x, mySpriteStartingPoint.y);        mySprite.body.data.SetActive(false);    }} function dragStart() {    game.physics.box2d.mouseDragStart({        x: -game.camera.x - game.input.mousePointer.x,        y: game.camera.y + game.input.mousePointer.y    });}function dragMove() {    game.physics.box2d.mouseDragMove({        x: -game.camera.x - game.input.mousePointer.x,        y: game.camera.y + game.input.mousePointer.y    });}function dragEnd() {    game.physics.box2d.mouseDragEnd();}

I'm using Phaser 2.4.2, Box2D plugin 1.0.2 and RUBE loader.

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you can just set the sprite.body.x and sprite.body.y to whatever you want it to be. 


Same effect, i.e. a quick "flash" and then disappearance.


I'm starting to suspect that there is something wrong with the RUBE Loader, but can't quite figure out what...

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