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Camera Question


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Im doing a small app that should work for PC and Mobile. The camera need to be in (0,0,0) and rotate, and never move.


- When I use FreeCamera, swipe the screen in a mobile does NOT work, but drag in PC works perfect.

- When I use ArcRotateCamera the swipe in mobile works perfect, and the drag in PC as well, BUT the ArcRotate does not stay in (0,0,0).

- TouchCamera does not work on PC neither in MOBILE.


Any Idea? what Im doing wrong? why TouchCamera does not work on swipe in a Mobile?

Im using an Iphone 6.




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Free camera will not work on mobiles, and touch won't work on desktops with no rich support. So what's left is the fact that the touch camera doesn't work on the iPhone, right? (Which is odd, but leaves us with one single problem :-) ). Anyone else can confirm that? I'm not an iPhone user.

I'm also not sure what you mean by arc rotate not staying on 0,0,0.

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Free camera will not work on mobiles, and touch won't work on desktops with no rich support. So what's left is the fact that the touch camera doesn't work on the iPhone, right? (Which is odd, but leaves us with one single problem :-) ). Anyone else can confirm that? I'm not an iPhone user.

I'm also not sure what you mean by arc rotate not staying on 0,0,0.


The ArcRotateCamera rotate around an object, using it as pivot, that why one of it params is the distance between the camera and the object. It kind of work if I use distance=0.01 between (0,0,0) but looks like hack.


This is the only whay to make it work on PC and Mobile:


var camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("Camera", 0, Math.PI / 2, 0.1, BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(), scene);camera.attachControl(canvas, false);
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