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Adding multiple RetroFont lines?


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What I'm trying to do here is load a RetroFont once, then write various things on various parts of the screen. This is for my game's menu.


I've tried a bunch of different things, but no matter what I do, instead of writing various things to the screen, every image becomes the last-set message.

   computerScreen = this.add.image(0,0, 'computerScreen');   computerText = this.add.retroFont('computerFont', 4, 5, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890.,!?:@'\"^_-#+ ", 100, 1, 1);     //computerText.setText("Test 1!\nThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. No text wrapping!!!", true, 1, 1, Phaser.RetroFont.ALIGN_LEFT, true);   computerText.buildRetroFontText("Test 1!\nThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. No text wrapping!!!", 12, 41, 0);   missionStatement = game.add.image(12, 41, computerText);   computerText.setText(1, true, 1, 1, Phaser.RetroFont.ALIGN_LEFT, true);   missionNumber = this.add.image(210, 44, computerText);   //computerText.pasteLine("Mission Name", 210, 44, 1);   computerText.setText("Mission Name", true, 1, 1, Phaser.RetroFont.ALIGN_LEFT, true);   missionName = this.add.image(210, 44, computerText);   computerText.setText("TEREK-STAR\nYOA3805@2274", true, 1, 1, Phaser.RetroFont.ALIGN_LEFT, true);   //computerText.pasteLine("SOLO ARMADA\n22@789626PF", 166, 21, 1);   computerText.setText("0.0.1", false, 1, 1, Phaser.RetroFont.ALIGN_LEFT, true);   versionNumber = this.add.image(262, 204, computerText);

Check out the result here:




As you can see, it says "0.0.1" in a bunch of places, even though I only wanted that to show in the lower-right. What's the deal with this? Do I really have to add another retrofont for every single new message?

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I think that's the intent with RetroFont, to add a completely new instance for every instance of text you want to display. What you're seeing now is the intended behavior; the texture is getting updated in-place and updating across all the Phaser.Images you've added.


EDIT: One way to think of it is that it's not a "font", per se, it's a "text". If that helps.

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