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Buttons not firing after switching back to menu state


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Hello Hive!


I've implemented a selection menu for my game in which I create a few buttons, one of which starts the actual game. 

Game.SelectionMenu.prototype = {
    this.levelData = levelData;
    var button = this.add.button(x, y, 'startButton', this.startGame, this);
    this.state.start('Game', true, false, this.levelData);

The problem arises when I navigate back to the selection menu:


    this.state.start('SelectionMenu', true, false, this.levelData);

The button appears (and even animates) but no longer fires when pressed. Is there some way to reset the state? Or is there something I'm missing about destroying a state once you leave it.


I've tried:


but this doesn't seem to fix the issue.



I'm working with Phaser 2.4.2. Altara



Thanks in advance, guys!

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So it turns out I was using a mouse down callback function that - for whatever reason  - was breaking the game.


I removed:

this.input.mouse.onMouseDown = function(){

and used 

if (this.input.activePointer.isDown){

in the update() function instead. 



Maybe someday someone wiser than myself will explain the reasoning behind this behaviour.
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