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Random tilemap


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i think it's possible, but it's probably not easy. The most brute force way I can think of is to edit the JSON file within your program. This means parsing the JSON file and replacing the tile entries with a random number that corresponds to one of your desired tiles. This is probably not optimal for anything other than small maps. 


Best advice is to take a look at the Phaser source and see how these methods actually work, and then modify them as you need. 

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you can load tilemaps from variables, see my example: 

var nivelsLayers = [    {     "Cam" : {          "height":80,         "layers":[                {                 "data":[ ........ ]    }}, //More levels]var playState = {    preload: function () {        //Create your random        this.game.load.image('tile', "assets/nivels/n" + actualNivel + "-tile.png");        this.game.load.tilemap('carreteraTileMap', null, nivelsLayers[actualNivel - 1]["Cam"], Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON);    },    create: function(){        this.carreteraMap = this.game.add.tilemap('carreteraTileMap');        this.carreteraMap.addTilesetImage('tile');    }}
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