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[HELP] Player sprite does not appear


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Hi guys,


I'm new here, I'm following some topics, but I can't find out one that help me. So, I'm posting it. If exist another topic, with the same doubt, sorry!
Well, this is my code:
create: function () {	this.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;	this.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;	// Load map	this.map = this.game.add.tilemap('level1');	this.map.addTilesetImage('brick');	this.map.addTilesetImage('door');	this.map.addTilesetImage('window');	// Load layers	this.background = this.map.createLayer('Background');	this.foreground = this.map.createLayer('Foreground');	this.background.resizeWorld();	// Create the respawn point	this.respawn = this.game.add.group();	this.map.createFromObjects('House', 4, '', 0, true, false, this.respawn);	// Set player on the map	this.respawn.forEach(function (pos) {		// Init player		this.player = this.game.add.sprite(pos.x, pos.y, 'player');		// Setup player physics		this.game.physics.enable(this.player, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);		// Enable camera follow		this.game.camera.follow(this.player);	}, this);	// Wrapper keyboard	this.cursors = this.game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();},
I'd like to know what I have done wrong?! I just grab the respawn point from Tiled, extracted x and y positions, and I created the player instance, but, the image loaded doesn't appear in the spot. The funny thing is, I was setting the player position manually, with the exact coordinate of the respawn point and it doesn't showed up. But, when I set the player coordinate for a lower number like 32 x 32 or 100 x 100 the sprite appear normally.
Did you know what's going on?
Thank you!
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I'm new to Phaser too, so forgive me if I'm wasting your time, but have you set a breakpoint where you add your sprite to check your values for pos.x and pos.y? Also, for my sprites I had to call 

this.group.setAll('anchor.x', 0.5);this.group.setAll('anchor.y', 0.5);

so that the position referenced the center of the sprite, rather than a corner. 


Hope that helps.

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I'm new to Phaser too, so forgive me if I'm wasting your time, but have you set a breakpoint where you add your sprite to check your values for pos.x and pos.y? Also, for my sprites I had to call 

this.group.setAll('anchor.x', 0.5);this.group.setAll('anchor.y', 0.5);

so that the position referenced the center of the sprite, rather than a corner. 


Hope that helps.


So, I put the breakpoints and see the class Phaser.Sprite:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of undefined at Object.defineProperty.get (http://localhost:8080/lib/phaser.js:14512:30) at remoteFunction (<anonymous>:3:14) at Object.InjectedScript.callFunctionOn (<anonymous>:751:66) at Object.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8080/js/level1.js:39:8) at Phaser.Group.forEach (http://localhost:8080/lib/phaser.js:34187:26) at Object.Necropole.Level1.create (http://localhost:8080/js/level1.js:34:16) at Phaser.StateManager.loadComplete (http://localhost:8080/lib/phaser.js:30867:35) at Phaser.Loader.finishedLoading (http://localhost:8080/lib/phaser.js:73782:25) at Phaser.Loader.processLoadQueue (http://localhost:8080/lib/phaser.js:73737:18) at Phaser.Loader.asyncComplete (http://localhost:8080/lib/phaser.js:73810:14)
TypeError: Cannot read property 'y' of undefined at Object.defineProperty.get (http://localhost:8080/lib/phaser.js:14530:30) at remoteFunction (<anonymous>:3:14) at Object.InjectedScript.callFunctionOn (<anonymous>:751:66) at Object.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8080/js/level1.js:39:8) at Phaser.Group.forEach (http://localhost:8080/lib/phaser.js:34187:26) at Object.Necropole.Level1.create (http://localhost:8080/js/level1.js:34:16) at Phaser.StateManager.loadComplete (http://localhost:8080/lib/phaser.js:30867:35) at Phaser.Loader.finishedLoading (http://localhost:8080/lib/phaser.js:73782:25) at Phaser.Loader.processLoadQueue (http://localhost:8080/lib/phaser.js:73737:18) at Phaser.Loader.asyncComplete (http://localhost:8080/lib/phaser.js:73810:14)

The positions X and Y of the sprite are not set. Did you know how to solve this?




EDIT: There is another problem. What I said before, I think it's "normal". So, now, I reset the player sprite to the visible area, and the camera don't follow him anymore.  :(


EDIT²: Ok... I solved it... was a CSS problem that affect the viewport of the game!  :angry: Thanks @buttonsrtoys!

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