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Everytime I try to do something at the end of my animation with onAnimationEnd, it happens at the start of my animation or it doesnt work at all.

I try to alert at the end of my animation in this example below and I get the alert as soon as the animtion starts playing instead.

var ani = 0;var sceneready = false;var playable = false;BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("", "firstpersongame/", "human25.babylon", scene, function (newMeshes, skeleton) { });scene.executeWhenReady(function (){sceneready = true;});function theendani(){ani = 1;}scene.registerBeforeRender(function () {if(sceneready){myMesh = scene.getMeshByName("HumanMale");myMesh.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0);sceneready = false;playable = true;}if(playable){if(ani == 0){//All of these play the animation once but do not trigger the ani = 1 at the end of the animation//For some reason I am getting the alert right when the animation starts//I realize they are commented out I tried each of these individually:ani = 5; // So it doesnt call beginanimation again.//scene.beginAnimation(myMesh.skeleton, 85, 105, false, 1.0, ani = 1);//scene.beginAnimation(myMesh.skeleton, 85, 105, false, 1.0, ani = false);//scene.beginAnimation(myMesh.skeleton, 85, 105, false, 1.0, theendani());//scene.beginAnimation(myMesh.skeleton, 85, 105, false, 1.0, onAnimationEnd(){ani = 1;});//scene.beginAnimation(myMesh.skeleton, 85, 105, false, 1.0, onAnimationEnd(ani = 1));//ive also tried setting the animation to loop = true and it still triggers onanimationend at the start of my animation and then just loops the animation}if(ani == 1){//scene.stopAnimation(myMesh.skeleton);//scene.beginAnimation(myMesh.skeleton, 1, 85, false, 1.0);alert("end");ani = 2;}}}

Also how do you tell what frame the animation is on? Custom time tracker?

For example if I wanted onAnimationEnd to be called at frame 99 of my animation.

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