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chatbox/dialogue/bubble box above character


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I am working on a game where characters interact with each others. By interactions I mean at most having a conversation. Think of Pokemon on the gameboy color. No one will be shooting at anyone.


I am currently working on the bubble chat that appear above a character's head when an event occurs.


I have recorded an example and you can view it here: 



The assets (the sprites) I used in the game are all examples I found on the internet. The actual game will look different. I am just doing tests with this one.


As you can see, when the player collects all 5 apples, an event triggers and a character appears on the screen with a bubble over his head.


The way I achieved that was by loading a bubble image, adding it as a sprite next to the character's head (lots of trials and errors attempting to position it correctly). I added text inside the bubble by creating a text variable and placing it on top of the bubble sprite. Again, I had to do a lot of adjustments to make it happen.


Both the bubble sprite and the text are hidden until the character is standing at the right coordinates. Their visibilities are dependent on the character's Y coordinate.


If my character moves the bubble will remain there since it is not really connected to the character, it is just being displayed next to him.


How can I make the bubble be part of the character so wherever I move him it will always popup rather than adjusting it manually myself?


Thank you


PS: Please excuse my video. I didn't edit it.

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well i cant see the video so im using my imagination here.


i think that i would something like this


sprite buuble chat + text inside  

that means sprite bubble addchild text

and add a reference to the textObject  so you can change it later


example of this




character addchild bubble

that way the bubble its attached to character


if you addchild somthing you must understand that the child object position now it is relative to his parent

so if you add the bubble to the character you must set de position of the bubble something like (0,20) or like that because the coordinates are RELATIVE to his parent.


hopefully this sould work

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well i cant see the video so im using my imagination here.


i think that i would something like this


sprite buuble chat + text inside  

that means sprite bubble addchild text

and add a reference to the textObject  so you can change it later


example of this




character addchild bubble

that way the bubble its attached to character


if you addchild somthing you must understand that the child object position now it is relative to his parent

so if you add the bubble to the character you must set de position of the bubble something like (0,20) or like that because the coordinates are RELATIVE to his parent.


hopefully this sould work

Sorry it was private. You can view it now.

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Ok so I ended up doing something like this



However, as you can see, I have a problem with the text getting out of the container. So basically the container is the parent and the image and text are both children. How come this is happening? Isn't it suppose to stay within the limits of the container?


How would you fix that? Does it have to do with collision?

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* I suggest using bitmap font text over normal text if possible.. normal text is slow (see http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/9931-mobile-performance-tips-tricks/)


* a max width can be set, to allow your text to wrap: http://phaser.io/docs/2.3.0/PIXI.BitmapText.html#maxWidth

Thank you.


Any reason why "wordWrapWdith" doesn't work?

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show the code 

    container = game.add.sprite(70, 580, 'container');    container.scale.setTo(0.3, 0.2);    container.alpha = 0.8;    container.visible = false;    text2 = game.add.text(500,250,'Hello my name is whatever and I want to tell you a nice beautiful story. I love you forever! <3',{      font: 'bold 90px Arial',      fill: '#FFFFFF'    });    text2.wordWrapWidth = '580'; //width of container    text2.inputEnabled = true;    text2.events.onInputDown.add(closeContainer, this);    container.addChild(text2);    chat.inputEnabled = true;    chat.events.onInputDown.add(listener, this);    enemyFace = game.add.sprite(5,0,'face');    enemyFace.scale.setTo(2,2.6);    container.addChild(enemyFace);
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