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Sprite sticking to object wall


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Not sure what to call the title.. sorry if it's misleading! I was helping someone in the chatroom and came up with this example to show them:






Just out of curiosity, is there a better way of doing this? I'm sure there's a way it could check the 'platforms' x and y instead of using world x and y, but that still feels hacky. 


Thanks in advance :)



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Just out of curiosity, is there a better way of doing this? I'm sure there's a way it could check the 'platforms' x and y instead of using world x and y, but that still feels hacky. 

Hmm, why would this feel hacky? I would think it would be better because it would then allow you to change, remove, or add platforms without having to change the code. Right now, if you delete a platform, you will need to update the magic values in the code that are based on the world position in order to make the wall sticking to look right.

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but would it not be better to have the platfrom as an object.. a sprite, or a group of sprites.. and just call a stickTo method.. where by you stick to that object?


Yup! :) I would assume that the  stickTo method end up checking the platform's x/y values, as opposed to the world x/y values, which would be considered a less hacky approach. 


Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question -- I thought it was just a comparison between (i) using the world x/y positions versus (ii) using the platform's x/y positions.


From your latest post, I believe  you're talking about a design pattern as opposed something implementation-specific?  :)

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I think if it works then you're more than halfway there. ( =


You should probably use velocity instead of modifying the position directly; that way the sprite will participate in physics collisions. You should also not use +1; try +1*this.game.time.physicsElapsedMS. That will make the speed invariant under frame skips.

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