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Where to put global var in this case?


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I need to storage player stats in a global var / obj  because after chenge the game state normal var will be flushed.

Im not sure where to make global var



var boot = function(game){};  boot.prototype = {	preload: function(){	},  	create: function(){		this.game.state.start("Preload");	}}


var preload = function (game) {}preload.prototype = {    preload: function () {        I cute thise code.....    },    create: function () {        this.game.state.start("TheGame");    }}


var theGame = function (game) {    this.player = {        name: 'Kirito',        lvl: 1,        lvl2: false,        lvl3: false,        lvl4: false,        maxHp: 100,        hp: 100,        str: 10,        agi: 10,        exp: 10,        card: 1,        weapon: this.oldSword,        skills: this.resLife,        gold: 0    }    this.playerDmg = (this.player.str / 10) * (this.player.weapon.attack + this.player.lvl);    this.monsterLvl1 = {        name: 'Week Recrut',        hp: 50,        attack: 5,        exp: 50,        gold: 5    }}theGame.prototype = {    create: function () {        //Sterowanie w grze        cursors = this.game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();        upKey = this.game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.W);        downKey = this.game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.S);        leftKey = this.game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.A);        rightKey = this.game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.D);        characterMenuKey = this.game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.K);    },    lvlUpCheck: function (player) {        if (player.exp <= this.lvl1Exp) {        } else if (player.exp > this.lvl1Exp && player.exp <= 1500 && player.lvl2 == false) {            //dzwiek lvl up i napis na srodku ekranu czasowy            player.lvl = 2;            this.lvl1Exp = 1500;            this.lvlUp(player);        } else if (player.exp > this.lvl1Exp && player.exp <= 2500 && player.lvl3 == false) {            player.lvl = 3;            this.lvlUp(player);        }    },    update: function () {        playerSprite.body.velocity.y = 0;        playerSprite.body.velocity.x = 0;        if (playerCanMove) {            if (upKey.isDown && leftKey.isUp && rightKey.isUp) {                playerSprite.body.velocity.y = -this.speed;            } else if (downKey.isDown && leftKey.isUp && rightKey.isUp) {                playerSprite.body.velocity.y = this.speed;            }            if (leftKey.isDown) {                playerSprite.body.velocity.x = -this.speed;            } else if (rightKey.isDown) {                playerSprite.body.velocity.x = this.speed;            }        };            },    render: function () {        this.game.debug.text('Name: ' + this.player.name, 30, 30);        this.game.debug.text('Hp: ' + Math.round(this.player.hp), 30, 70);    }}

I cut a big part of inside code, for make it easier to read, mean build 

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You can always just declare it anywhere outside the scope of the state object's definition or prototype definition. 



var global_stats = {};var theGame = function (game) {    this.player = {    name: 'Kirito',        // ...}theGame.protoype = {   // ...    update: function() {        // ...        global_stats["level"] = this.player.level;        // ...            }

But that's pretty hacky. Several ways to make it cleaner would be to have a globals.js file that you store all global variables, or make the variable a static variable of your state object.

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I cut variables and objects who need to be global, from theGame = function (game) { } and left them in outside
Than I just removed all of "This." from game code where I call those global variables. 

And then I dont need to declare those variables in another js state file. 


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