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Delay on a Function Running?


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So, I have a game where the player repeatedly presses buttons in order from the screen. But, the user can cheat if they repeatedly press the buttons. So, How can I add a delay to a function, like a button press listener, so that it can't happen more than 2 times per second? Thanks For Your Help!!!

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There are many ways to do it, and if you post what your code is like currently, we'll be able to give more direct advice.


But you could simply do something with a timer, or a countdown:

var lastClickTime = game.time.elapsed;// ... awesome code herebutton = game.add.button(0, 0, 'button', onClick, this);// ... more awesome code hereonClick : function(e) {  var clickElapsedTime = game.time.elapsed - lastClickTime  if (clickElapsedTime >= 1000) {     // if at least one second has passed, perform action     doSomethingAwesome();     lastClickTime = game.time.elapsed;  }   }
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