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Filters and Particles for Phaser


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A bit confuse when learning about Filters and Particles

1. WIth FIlters, I noticed the examples are using sources from http://glslsandbox.com. Is there any other website to get sources for Phaser's Filters ?

2. Is there any way I can find the documentation / tutorials about Particle Storm ? Where do the parameters on this example (http://phaser.io/examples/v2/particlestorm/bonfire) come from ?


Thank you.

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If you purchased Particle Storm, it comes with a manual and > 200 commented example files. The assets for the examples are all included in there. If you haven't purchased Particle Storm yet, then there isn't really any documentation available other than the demos on the site, which are mostly just to showcase what the plugin can do rather than teach you how to use it.

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