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Thanks Deltakosh. Thats pretty cool ! 


How do i use it inside a function ?

// Mouse Over and Out Function action               var mouseOverUnit = function(unit_mesh) {                 console.log ("mouse over "+unit_mesh.meshUnderPointer.id);                 console.log (unit_mesh);                 if (unit_mesh.isPickable = true) {                 console.log (unit_mesh);                 var geometry = unit_mesh.geometry.copy('new_geo');	               var outline = unit_mesh.clone();	               outline.geometry = geometry;                console.log(outline.geometry);	              outline.flipFaces(true);	              outline.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(1.05, 1.05, 1.05);	              outline.material = redMaterial;	              outline.visibility = 0.5; }

This does not work. The console says 20:01:05.316 TypeError: unit_mesh.geometry is undefined1 FinalScene.js:43:21

This is of course i don´t know what i am doing and walking inside darkness trying to find a light switch  :D


Edit :  I found it , i erased .source from unit_mesh.source etc. I did not notice it because unit_mesh.isPickable did work. Will write back after testing around

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Hm, thats not what i wanted to do. It scales up the mesh, and that does not look well in this situation. (As shown below on the attached picture)

          // Mouse Over and Out Function action               var mouseOverUnit = function(unit_mesh) {                 console.log ("mouse over "+unit_mesh.meshUnderPointer.id);                 console.log (unit_mesh);                 if (unit_mesh.source.isPickable = true) {                 unit_mesh.source.renderOutline = true;                 unit_mesh.source.outlineWidth = 0.0025;                 unit_mesh.source.renderingGroupId = 1;      }    };               var mouseOutUnit = function(unit_mesh) {               console.log ("mouse out "+unit_mesh.meshUnderPointer.id);               console.log (unit_mesh);               if (unit_mesh.source !== null) {                 unit_mesh.source.renderOutline = false;                 unit_mesh.source.outlineWidth = 0.0025;                 unit_mesh.source.renderingGroupId = 0;      }    };

This worked. I will post a full code sample later on for other users that wanted to archieve something like this. Thanks for all the help. After all i think i now have all the basics that are needet for my small projects. 


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