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babylon export file not found


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Hi I am trying to figure out my why my import babylon scene file is always not found.

I included it in the same location as my html files


I am not running it off a web server, its running of my browser.

var canvas = document.getElementById("3dCanvas");	var engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true);		var scene;	BABYLON.SceneLoader.Load("", "t.babylon", engine, function (newScene){    	scene = newScene;		var c = scene.getMeshByName("tetrahedron");    //Do what you want	});
XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///C:/Users/zmm/lifeprint/new/t.babylon.manifest?1448032895642. Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource.t.checkManifestFile @ babylon.js:2babylon.js:3 XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///C:/Users/zmm/lifeprint/new/t.babylon. Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource.h @ babylon.js:3babylon.js:3 Uncaught Error: Error status: 0 - Unable to load t.babylon
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Temechon is correct, as always - and there is practically no way around this - I said practically, which means that you'll never be able to use the switches and to "trick" your browser into believing it's operating off a remote web server.  I've found a few basic operations which allow some exchange of elements locally -  such as using this command line parameter in Chrome:



along with other formatting "tricks", but this is at all worth trying.  It's simply a security function (feature) in all browsers, which won't provide the local access necessary to serve your scenes locally on the same system.  Please don't put any time in attempting to make this work, as it simply will not.


You must be working off of a remote server - even if it's in the next room or sitting next to your local system.  If you aren't yet hosting a server, then it's time to do so.

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