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Have Empty Sprites Changed?


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Has the behaviour of empty sprites changed?  


I was using them as a container for a button instead of a group because I wanted the onInputDown handlers.  But now I am getting spurious data. I am attempting to resolve by giving them a one pixel no alpha image.  


Empty sprites used to be - well empty. Now they seem to be picking up a random image


Is it a bug or expected behaviour?



And in case anyone asks why dont I use buttons - at the time I wrote the code - a year back there was an issue with the stock button - cant remember what now - and I had a need to have a collection of different states corresponding to different lifecycle stages so I rolled my own.

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I had a similar issue and resolved it by just not supplying empty sprites with a key, i.e. just using

var sprite = game.add.sprite(0, 0)
I've got another (maybe related) issue now, though - some sprites drawn using a BitmapData as a source get the wrong texture. They're not supposed to be empty, but draw the wrong thing instead. Can this be worked around?
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