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Can't index into group.children


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Hey, gais.

My issue is as the title says. I create my group like so;

this.cards = this.game.add.group();

and I populate my group like so;

...for (var i = 0; i < num_cards; i ++) {    card = new Card(this.game, this.game.width/2, this.game.height/2, 'card_unknown', i, cards[this.order_array[i] % pairs], scale);    card.scale.setTo(scale, scale);    card.anchor.setTo(0.5, 1.5);    card.angle = angle * (i - 2);    this.cards.add(card);    this.game.add.existing(card);    this.card_count ++;}...

And the issue appears when I try to access 'this.cards.children[ i ]', for example. With a group full of eight cards, I will try grab 'this.cards.children[ 0 ]' and I'll get undefined!

What am I missing here, peeps?

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Dammit guys, literally the second after I post I see my mistake. XekeDeath solved it the other day. Can I remove this post? The issue how I use 'this.game.add.existing'

Why would you want it the post deleted? Even if it's a silly mistake, it may be useful to other people.

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I've made lots of silly mistakes on public forums and open source projects. It's cool, we're all learning here. ( =


FTR, yeah, sprites can only have one parent so that call to "game.add.existing" takes them out of the card group you added them to previously.

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