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Blender -> babylon.js material questions


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Hey everyone. I couldn't find any information on this matter anywhere, looked through the forums and the documentation with nothing...


1. How would I go about when creating a scene in blender (with cycles) with materias, such as glass? 


2. Also, what should I change in my cycles materials so that my scene loaded in babylon is not super glossy? (this one's important)


Oh, and almost forgot.. I get that the exporter exports my lights too, but where do I change the "intensity" which is described inside the babylon file, in blender?

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linkus, I've not tried using the cycles renderer for directly exporting materials - mainly use it to bake textures that I can then export with materials created with the Blender renderer.


As for :


I get that the exporter exports my lights too, but where do I change the "intensity" which is described inside the babylon file


You can set that by changing the "Energy" parameter for the lights in Blender


cheers, gryff :)

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